This is all that being on an empty stomach will do to your body

Dhwani Vora | Apr 17, 2020, 11:29 IST
Belly fat makes us conscious and there are no two ways about it. To get rid of the same, we try everything from maintaining a diet to working out. We even give in to extensive online research on ways to get rid of the belly fat. And if it still keeps showing up, it stresses us out. We start to spend a lot of our time overthinking on how it makes us look and how to lose it. And this sometimes makes us take reckless decisions of cutting down on meals or unhealthy eating habits.

But, staying on an empty stomach is not going to do you any good. If you think you'll skip on a meal or two will help you lessen the belly fat, then you're absolutely wrong. It's only going to increase a lot of health issues for you. Apart from that, it's got a few more side effects listed down below:

- Poor diet will have really negative impacts on your neurological functions. A lot of activities of the brain depends on the food you eat. So when you're hungry, your brain is going to take longer to function and this will adversely affect it.

- You might think staying hungry for longer periods will help you lose weight, but it actually does quite the opposite. When you don't eat for a long time, your body thinks something has gone wrong and then it starts to store fat.

- Whenever your body lacks adequate nutrition, you'll start to feel lethargic and less energetic. This can eventually lead to exhaustion.

- If there's a long gap between two meals, your body starts to get dehydrated. This can cause low blood pressure issues, dizziness, nausea and even decreases energy levels.
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