This is how you can get the longest and strongest nails

Alisha Alam | Jun 10, 2018, 11:34 IST
We girls love our nail game. No matter how much we deny it, a broken nail isn't just painful it can also bring us down. If you're wearing nail extensions it will hurt even more. To ensure that your nail game is always strong, here are some easy tips to follow that will help make sure you never break a nail again.

Apply hand cream and cuticle oil daily: It's this simple; hydrated nails are strong nails. Cuticle oil helps boost nail growth and helps them retain their strength. So make sure that you apply a cuticle oil and gently push the cuticle back on your nails every day.

File nails with care: It's also essential to know how to file your nails properly. Use single strokes and always work at an angle, avoiding horizontal strokes. Also, don't file your nails more than once a week as this can damage them.

Avoid alcohol-based hand sanitizers: Alcohol can majorly dehydrate your nails and hands, which in turn makes your nails brittle and more prone to breaking. So use sanitizers that are alcohol-free.

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