This is how you take care of your mental health during the coronavirus pandemic

Dhwani Vora | Mar 25, 2020, 10:45 IST
Every single day, we have been getting to hear new and negative things about coronavirus outbreak and it's only been really bad ever since it's hit our country. People are asked to stay in and stay safe until things get better and we can step out again without any fear. While this whole self-isolation thing is making people learn new things, giving the time to spend with family and close ones, it is also taking a toll on people who deal with mental health issues. And we can't stress enough on how much taking care of your mental health is important, especially during this crucial time.

So, if you've been feeling frustrated, anxious, angry and confused lately, know that we're all in this together and we'll fight it well. Take a deep breath and follow a few expert-backed strategies that will improve your mental and emotional well being:

- Cut back news and social media intake: It is rather encouraged to start limiting your exposure to news and also customize your social media feed by following more and more pages that gives you a feel good vibe even if it's just for this pandemic phase.

- Get information only from reliable sources: Since there are a lot of options on the Internet to gather information, don't go around believing anything and everything that's being circulated as not all of it is true. Make sure you only rely on verified information by reliable sources.

- Stay connected with your friends and family: If you're somehow locked down alone due to some or the other reason or even otherwise, make an effort to stay connected with your family members and friends. Maintain social networks as it can foster a sense of normality and provide much valuable outlets for you to be able to share your feelings and relieving stress too.

- Keep yourself busy: Give yourself some or the other activity to do through the day, even if it's watching a series, painting, cleaning, de-clustering, working out or anything that you like. Make sure you're keeping yourself busy so your mind is occupied and not thinking about all things negative.

- Simply breath: This phase is surely a tough one and it could get a lot if you don't pay proper attention to your mental and physical well-being. But you should know that you are the most important person to yourself and taking good care of yourself only seems fair. So, breath and let go of all negative thoughts. It'll all get better some day or the other. Hang in there.
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