This is the reason why you need to do detoxing

Snehha Suresh | Apr 12, 2018, 11:58 IST
This detox trend has been doing the rounds for a while. A trend that is synonymous with beauty and wellness and it’s the infamous detox. It covers all whether you’re looking for clear skin, a flat tummy, or even that healthy glow, detoxing is quite the popular health route to take. Of course, as tradition goes, topical treatments can only go so far and since you are what you eat (quite literally) it only makes sense to do an internal cleanse too.

This is what exactly detoxing is, detoxification is the process through which the body automatically flushes out any toxins that lurk within. This means anything from alcohol, to inhaled and ingested pollutants present in the air, and various foods and water. Essentially, this happens in two stages – one where the liver filters the blood with antioxidants, and two where the body helps you excrete the crap (again, quite literally) by dissolving it with essential chemicals from foods.

Your liver and kidneys don’t really get paid overtime for doing their job, but they’re happy to do it – however they do need help from external sources in order to be more efficient. Your liver basically filters around 1.4 litres of blood per minute – and you thought you were overworked. Going on a diet, cutting out on alcohol and caffeine, eating healthy, living clean, all means you’re supporting healthy function of your organs and giving it that much deserved shower it really requires.

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