This is what you should never Google

Dhwani Vora | Apr 30, 2020, 23:13 IST
Curiosity kills the cat - you all must have heard this saying. If you actually think about it, sometimes it's better to stay ignorant about certain things. Things that don't really bring anything good to our lives, confuses us or maybe even paranoia.

Now that we have Google, all of us instantly search some or the other thing we get too curious about. But there are some things that you must never Google. Here's a list:

Your symptoms: Google will actually end up giving you bad news cause you'll actually believe every single word as a symptom of some horrendous disease. Always consult a doctor instead.

Bedbugs: Don't Google bedbugs now come on! You will end up throwing away all your bedding including your mattress.

How to make a bomb: Really, there are people who Google this and then the next thing they see is police knocking on their doors. You don't want that, do you?

How much Facebook knows about me: You are a curious person, we get it. But this doesn't come as a surprise given all your data breaches and privacy scandals can take place. You might end up being uncomfortable.
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