This is why rabbits are a sign of good luck

Sneha Biswas | Apr 10, 2020, 09:29 IST
Rabbits are probably the most sensitive and easily-frightened animal of all. If you check the social media, you will find hashtags of rabbit trending the most around the Easter season. It is so because this little vulnerable animal is considered to bring good luck to people. Now the question arises, is it even for real or just a superstition? While the answer is still a topic of debate, here’s what we know so far.

According to the Easter legend, a rabbit is a good luck charm as it brings life on earth. It is believed to lay, decorate and hide Easter eggs are a symbol of new life.

An old English superstition considers saying ‘Rabbit’ thrice in a row on the first day of the month to have good luck throughout the 30-days. One must say out the words loud and clear right after waking up on the day. You may consider this ‘rabbit rabbit’ ritual to be lucky because bunnies are notoriously fertile and are usually linked with spring and renewal.

Earlier many people believed in having images of rabbit or rabbit feet as a symbol to attract good luck. You may hang even a painting of a rabbit on your wall.

In Chinese culture, rabbits especially the ones with white fur are considered as a sign of longevity. It is also known as the embodiment of cleverness. It is one of the Chinese zodiac signs.

The rabbit spirit animal is considered to be a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and fertility in many Asian countries.

However, committing to a rabbit as a pet is a huge responsibility and not just an 'Easter trend'. These superstitions
are just a part of popular beliefs and might differ from the truth.

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