01/5Is your skin breaking out even though you're in quarantine? Here's why it might be happening

Now that you're stuck in quarantine you're probably thinking that your skin is going to glow and look all radiant by the time the lockdown is lifted. Unfortunately, that's not the case at all, is it? Instead, you might be noticing that your skin has started breaking out even more often than it used to before you were in lockdown. And you might be super confused as to why this is happening because you've probably been doing everything you can to keep it in pristine condition. Well, here are some reasons why your skin is breaking out even though you're in quarantine.

by Alisha Alam

02/5You're Under Stress

We already know that stress is one of the leading causes of skin issues like breakouts, acne and blemishes. This often happens because stress can disrupt your hormonal balance and this, in turn, can take a toll on your health as well as your skin. So, opt for some stress-busting activities and take things slow. You'll notice how it'll make a difference to your skin.

03/5You're Trying New Products

Okay, be honest with us for a bit; you've taken all this free time as an opportunity to do multiple experiments with your skincare routine, haven't you? Well, that's just what might be leading to all those breakouts on your skin. Not all products are meant to suit your skin so instead of just trying different things unnecessarily, opt for things that suit your skin.

04/5Your schedule is messed up

We're all sleeping at 2 am or 3 am and waking up at 11 am or so and bad sleeping schedules can mess up your eating schedule and pretty much any other schedule you have so at this point it's like you have no schedule. You do what you want when you want and that is taking a toll on your skin. So, go back to your normal schedule and make sure you stick to it.

05/5You're not putting on any makeup

When you put on a lot of skincare or makeup products, your skin tends to get used to these products. So, when you suddenly stop using all of these your skin starts to break out. This is also known as isolation skin or skin purging. Don't be tempted to start putting on products again, instead let your skin breathe and heal itself.