01/5Here's some really important advice from parents to help you through your relationships

Don't react, always respond: It's in human nature to act impulsively when threatened. We usually react in a negative way when we get into an argument, which causes some unnecessary issues to build up and we end up repenting later. Every mother tells her child to respond, not react. It's always better to take a step back, analyse and then respond to the situation rather than reacting to it.

by Alisha Alam

02/5It's not just about you

Whatever happens, you always need to remember that things are no longer just about you. For quite some time you might have been living by yourself with nobody encroaching on your personal space but now, there's going to be that one person living with you. So, you need to remember that things are now about the two of you and not just about you. Learn to understand and respect that fact.

by Alisha Alam

03/5Keep your anger in control

It's difficult to keep your anger in control all the time but it's better to make it a practice. In life, many situations will be beyond your control so getting angry will be pointless and will only make things worse. Learn to let go of things and let a few things slide.

by Alisha Alam

04/5When the other person shouts, keep your calm

Ok, this one is a no-brainer. No marriage is perfect. You are bound to have a few fights from time to time. But in such situations, if your partner loses their bearings and starts shouting, it's best to keep your calm. The best way to handle a fight is for one person to keep calm while the other vents their anger out.

by Alisha Alam

05/5Don't nag

Of course, there are going to be disagreements between the two of you. Although you might be disappointed in some situations it's best to get over with it on the same day. Don't drag it out till the next day or the entire week because we all know how annoying things can get if someone starts to nag you about those things.

by Alisha Alam