This simple trick could help you lose more weight

Alisha Alam | May 24, 2019, 11:38 IST
Tired of gaining weight no matter how much you exercise or control your diet? Well, researchers have now found that there's a rather simple trick to help you shed those extra kilos and keep your weight in check after you've lost them. According to the research, engaging in self-weighing on a daily basis can help a person lose weight. What most people don't realise is that once they put on weight, it tends to stay on for most of the year no matter what they do.

And this happens regularly during the holiday season when people tend to eat more than they should. While obese people are a lot more susceptible to putting on weight easily, even people who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet are still prone to putting on weight during the holiday season. The study found that people who weighed themselves daily got feedback on how their weight was changing and this motivated them to use certain methods to try and lose all those added kilos.

"Maybe they exercise a little bit more the next day (after seeing a weight increase) or they watch what they are eating carefully," said study author Jamie Cooper. For the study, about 100 participants aged 18-65 years were surveyed. They were asked to maintain their weight throughout the holiday season but were not given instructions on how to do so. This way, the participants got to choose what they wanted to do to lose all those extra kilos.

While some people decided to eat less or modify their diet, others started exercising more. 14 weeks after the study began, the researchers found that participants who weighed themselves daily had the most changes in their behaviour. "People are really sensitive to discrepancies or differences between their current selves and their standard or goal," said one researcher. "When they see that discrepancy, it tends to lead to behavioural change. Daily self-weighing ends up doing that for people in a clear way," she said.

Well, looks like this new method is giving people quite positive results. Are you willing to try it? Stay tuned for more updates.

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