This type of cheese has a ton of health benefits

Deesha Bondre | Sep 12, 2019, 19:08 IST
While everyone may love a generous serving of good cheese, it has a mixed reputation when it comes to eating healthy eating. Many will ask you to skip the cheese to have a healthier meal, without realising that the right kind of cheese is quite healthy. Cheese may be higher in fats, but the fats are beneficial in increasing good cholesterol that prevents heart disease and stroke. Cheese is, in fact, a completely healthy food, and it possesses many nutritional properties, which in turn provide many health benefits.
But one needs to choose the right kind of cheese to reap all the benefits. Parmesan cheese should be your go-to. The hard cheese is made from raw and unpasteurized milk. It undergoes a lengthy process, as the cheese is allowed to age for at least twelve months, to kill harmful bacteria and produce a complex flavour.

Parmesan is the most protein-rich cheese in the world, and is so protein dense that it beats most meats when it comes to measuring protein on a gram-to-gram basis. 100 grams of parmesan cheese contains an astonishing 35.8 grams of protein. To put that in perspective, 100 grams of chicken breast, the most protein-rich part of a chicken, contains only 31 grams of protein.
Parmesan is loaded with several essential vitamins and minerals. It is packed with vitamins A, B2, B12, and D, and is rich in minerals like calcium, containing 110% of the daily recommended calcium intake, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, zinc, and magnesium.
Probiotics refers to live bacteria that live in our gut and help with digestion. As parmesan has a long ageing process, it is bound to be the abode of bacteria. A study found that parmesan cheese contains species of Lactobacillus, a gut-friendly bacteria that helps with digestive problems like gas and diarrhoea.
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