This vitamin is the best solution to cure all your hair problems

Snehha Suresh | Jul 20, 2018, 17:23 IST
Vitamin E oil provides complete nourishment to your scalp and hair
Hair fall is one of the major issues every woman face and there are various factors responsible for hair fall such as pollution, stress, dust and poor lifestyle. Generally, there are various products which reduce hair fall for quick hair growth. But most of these products do not reduce hair fall as they do not contain vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a group of eight compounds that include four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. All eight feature a chromane double ring, with a hydroxyl group that can donate a hydrogen atom to reduce free radicals, and a hydrophobic side chain which allows for penetration into biological membranes.

Vitamin E oil provides complete nourishment to your scalp and hair. Vitamin E can cure various hair related issues like dandruff, split ends, hair fall and it is also a natural conditioner, post shampoo use vitamin oil instead of using chemical-laden conditioners. Wash your hair with shampoo and then massage the oil onto the strands properly.

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