Tips that will work wonders on long hair

Alisha Alam | Oct 15, 2020, 17:38 IST
While short hair is so in trend right now a lot of us still enjoy having those long and gorgeous tresses. But hair care can become a rather tedious task if you don't know how to take care of your hair the right way. From picking the wrong products to not paying attention to your hair wash schedule, there are so many things that you might be doing wrong. So, if you have long and beautiful hair and want to ensure it remains that way, here are some tips that will definitely work wonders for you. Take a look.

Spread your natural scalp oil - Your scalp compensates for a dry scalp by producing more oil. Overwashing your hair will only make your hair produce even more oil and will lead to a greasy scalp so that's a big no-no. What you can do instead is brush your hair from the scalp to the ends. This will spread the oil evenly and will make your scalp look less greasy.

Opt for a rice-water rinse - Soak a cup of rice in some water overnight. Then strain the water which will be packed with nutrients by now. Shampoo your hair and then rinse your hair with this rice water. Leave it in your hair for about ten minutes and then give your hair a final rinse. It'll help strengthen your hair from the roots.

Brush your hair twice a day - Make sure to give your hair a brush at least twice a day; once in the morning and once at night. Not only will this help keep tangles and knots out of your hair but will also help improve blood circulation in your scalp which will boost hair growth.

Remember these tips and stay tuned for more updates.
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