Tips to help keep pigmentation at bay

Alisha Alam | Oct 23, 2020, 11:57 IST
Pigmentation refers to discolouration of the skin in certain patches and spots. While these spots usually disappear on their own, sometimes they linger on for much longer than expected. And although these spots are harmless, they can end up making your feel conscious of your looks. That's why it's so important to ensure that you do everything you can to keep pigmentation at bay. Here are a few tips that will help. Take a look.

Slather on some sunscreen - One of the most common causes of pigmentation is tanning. The sun's harsh rays end up damaging your skin and this is what leads to all those discoloured spots on your skin. So, slather on some sunscreen every time you step out to make sure that your skin stays safe from the sun's rays.

Improve your skincare routine - As you age, you need to keep changing and improving your skincare routine. You can't use the same products you did when you were 20 if you're 40 now because they won't give your skin the kind of protection and coverage it needs. So, invest in the right products and you'll see how it helps keep pigmentation away.

Be careful with your skin - Don't pull, tug or scratch your skin too harshly since this can also lead to pigmentation. Make sure to be as gentle as possible with your skin and use the right products to fight any skin issues that you might have.

Keep these tips in mind and stay tuned for more updates.
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