Travelling all the time? Here's how you can stay healthy anyway

Alisha Alam | Apr 24, 2019, 11:47 IST
More often than not most people find themselves on the go all the time. These days quite a few jobs can practically have you living in a suitcase and while that by itself can begin to get frustrating, what's even worse is that it can severely affect your diet. You might either end up adding kilos or losing weight and fast. So, if there's one thing that you need to keep in mind when you travel, it is to try and stay as healthy as possible. Here are some tips that could help you.

- Keep a bottle of infused water with you at all times: "Simply bring a reusable water bottle and fill it with lemon or other fruits," says a nutritionist. "The extra flavour will keep you sipping while the combination of water and potassium from the fruit, herb, and/or vegetable infusion will help to flush bloating culprits like salt and help restore hydration."

- Make dinner plans beforehand: You're bound to know where you'll be staying while on your trip, so check out the place's menu and select the most healthy thing to eat so once you're there, you'll already have made up your mind to eat that particular thing. This will also ensure that no one is able to rope you into eating something unhealthy at the last moment.

- Do some exercise: Try and opt for some exercise whenever you get the time. It will help you stretch your limbs and body and will ensure you stay fit. Try to carry resistance bands with you as they work really well in these situations. Doing some exercise might also help your digestive system work well do you won't be prone to problems like constipation.

- Take a warm bath: Try to book a hotel room that has a bathtub. So, this way you can just make your way back to your room and opt for a warm bath before bed. Carry some bath essentials like bath salts and scents with you as they can help relieve stress. The better you feel, the more likely you are to make the right food choices too.

- Follow a routine: Try to follow a routine as often as you can. Set a time for dinner and a time for bed and follow it accordingly. "Wake up and go to bed at the same time, try to eat around the same time, set up specific hours for work and rest when possible. This will help provide some familiarity to something as sporadic as traveling."

- Spend time in nature: If you're on a business trip that allows you to wiggle out some free time, don't spend it cooped up in your room. Instead, go out and spend some time in nature, exploring your surroundings. "Fresh air and sunlight can help boost your mood and energy level. If you travel by plane, try to do the same once you've checked into your hotel."

Well, give these tips a try and see what works best for you. Stay tuned for more updates.

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