01/5These simple exercises will only take a few minutes

Sitting in the same posture can add up to so many health problems ranging from heart diseases to diabetes. PCOD is also among the few impacts of long sitting hours. Added to this is our wrong body posture or the habit of slouching that furthermore deteriorates our physical health. Hence to avoid all of these complications, one must take some time out to do simple stretches or even simply walking around helps to combat health issues in the long run. If you find these techniques too much intimidating then you can begin with some simple exercises that can be done while sitting on the chair itself. Each of them requires only a few minutes.

Photo credit: Google

by Sneha Biswas

02/5Stand up

This might not seem like an exercise but it is. Stand up for at least 3 minutes for every 30 minutes.

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03/5Stand up and sit down

If you find yourself a master of the first exercise trick, you can do this too. Place yourself on the chair in a sitting position, hold on to the posture for a few seconds and stand up again. Repeat this eight to ten times and increase gradually.

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04/5Standing on the chair

You must do it with precaution, check if your chair is steady enough to take your weight. Begin by standing near the chair and climb on it with your right leg. Bring your left leg up and put down your right leg followed by the left leg. Do this two to three times.

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05/5Left-right leg

The second one is to sit on the chair and put your right leg over the left leg,stand up and again sit down while facing the right leg down. Repeat this three to four times on each leg.

Photo credit: Google