01/5These home remedies are naturally effective

Every noticed a white to yellowish coloured particle present in your mouth that stinks? These are the tonsil stones or tonsilloliths caused by trapped food, saliva, mucus and bacteria in the small pockets on the tonsil walls. Although harmful, tonsil stones can cause bad breath and sometimes swelling and soreness as well. Mostly caused due to cold and improper oral hygiene, tonsil stones come out on their own. In a few rare cases, people might need medical help to get them removed. However, you can easily get rid of tonsil stones naturally through some home remedies. Follow these.

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by Sneha Biswas

02/5Salt water

The simplest way to get rid of tonsil stones is to gargle with salt water to dislodge tonsil stones. This helps to ease out any pain or discomfort due to the tonsil stones and also helps to eliminate any bad breath due to the stones.

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03/5Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is effective to treat bad occur due to tonsil stones. The acidic properties of ACV can help to break down the accumulated stones and any kill bacterial growth. For best results, dilute ACV with water and gargle once a day to see the difference.

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Garlic is known for antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral qualities that can help to combat oral infections. Chewing some raw garlic can help to get rid of tonsil stones.

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Thanks to the antibacterial properties in carrots, eating carrots can help to reduce the risks of tonsil stones. It can also increase saliva production for better oral hygiene.

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