01/11Here are a few creative ways to use sugar

Sugar is commonly used around the world in various dishes, from baked goods to desserts. You even put it in your coffee. Some dishes, particularly the sweet stuff, just wouldn't be the same without it. So, it's a given that putting it in your food can give your taste buds some much-needed satisfaction but if you believe that that's all sugar is good for, boy are you in for a surprise. Consuming sugar isn't the only way you can use it, there are multiple other things you can put sugar to good use for. Here are a few creative ways to use sugar.

by Darielle Britto

02/11Soothes a singed tongue

Sipped on steaming hot coffee too fast? Burned your tongue from cheez on a pizza? No worries, sugar will come to your rescue. Studies have shown that sucking on a sprinkle of sugar or a sugar cube can help get rid of the pain rather quickly.

03/11Can clean cruddy hands

If you've by chance gotten some stuff on your hands (grease, grime, dirt, paint), one easy way to get rid of it is to add some sugar to your soap lather to help it act as an abrasive. Add a bit of olive oil to the mix and you'll end up with the perfect exfoliator-moisturiser.

04/11Clean and get rid of odor from coffee grinders

If you love coffee, chances are you are a proud owner of a coffee grinder. But cleaning it can be a problem. You want to make sure you get in every nook and cranny to keep it clean before you make your next brew. An easy way to get rid of bad odour and keep it clean is by adding a teaspoon of sugar in the grinder. Next, shut the lid tight. Rinse it out after a while and say goodbye to unpleasant smells.

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05/11Use sugar to tackle nematode worms in the garden

If you love gardening, you know nematodes can be a pesky issue. You'll know when your plants have been attacked by them if the roots have developed root-knot galls. Sugar can help with this issue. Add some of it to the soil. This will make it a hostile place for the nematodes as the sugar increases organic matter.

Picture Courtesy: Google Images

06/11Gets rid of grass stains from clothes

Picture this: You're wearing a gorgeous cream outfit to a park and manage to get grass stains all over it. Just what you needed, right? Fret not, sugar comes to the rescue. All you have to do is mix a little sugar with warm water and apply it over the stained area. Leave it for an hour before you wash it with detergent.

Picture Courtesy: Google Images

07/11Makes for an amazing lip scrub

One of the best things you could possibly use sugar for would be to make a lip scrub using it. Take some jojoba oil or castor oil and blend it with caster sugar, also called superfine sugar. Add 1-2 drops of peppermint oil or vanilla extract. Mix well and you wonderful lip scrub is ready to use!

08/11Works well as a body scrub

If you are into DIYs, then you will love a homemade scrub made with sugar. This is a great way to make use of some sugar if you have recently decided to give it up for a more healthier you. To make your scrub, mix sugar with almond oil and any essential oil you like. Rub the mixture all over your body just before you shower. This natural product will help you achieve soft skin in no time.

09/11Helps to treat wounds

Infections that are painful and wounds can sometimes be treated with sugar. In a study conducted by Selly Oak Hospital researchers, patients who were suffering from bed sores, leg ulcers, and amputations were treated with granulated sugar before their wounds were dressed up. The sugar was used to kill bacteria that tend to cause pain. The experiment was successful.

10/11May help to soothe burn you get from eating spicy food

If you have consumed something super spicy and can't handle it, consume a bit of sugar. While dairy works well to tackle this issue too, some people aren't a big fan of drinking it on its own. However, a little sweetness may just be the thing you need when your mouth feels like it's on fire.