Use these tips to provide your eyes with the right care this winter season

Alisha Alam | Dec 26, 2018, 15:46 IST
Most people suffer from dry and itchy eyes during the winter season. And this can turn into a rather serious issue. One way to combat dryness is by retaining moisture in your eyes, an ophthalmologist says. “On average, the humidity drops in the winter with the cold weather,” said a doctor. “In addition, most people turn on the heat in their homes or offices to combat the cold. So, what you end up having is lower humidity outside, and even lower humidity inside, making for warm, dry conditions where moisture can evaporate from the eye faster than normal,” she said.

Researchers tried to figure out ways in which one could retain the moisture in their eyes. They figured that if one spends a lot of time in heated locations, they should use humidifiers to add some moisture back into the air. Secondly, you should drink plenty of water as that will help keep your body hydrated and moisturised. Plus, it would be best if you avoided blow heating your face. One more thing you could do is to direct the heating vents towards your lower body as that will ensure that the heat doesn't affect your eyes.

Try out these tips and see what works best for you. Stay tuned for more updates.

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