Using gadgets can harm your skin, these home remedies will help

Dhwani Vora | May 25, 2020, 01:55 IST
Life without gadgets has now become impossible. As much as we'd like to use them less frequently, we can't ignore the hours of work that we have to put in each day, plus the amount of time we spend over social media throughout the day. Did you know, gadgets could actually harm your skin? As much as there are advantages due to devices, there are some disadvantages too. And some of them start showing on your face. But we've got you some home remedies that you can use to soothe your skin.

- You can use cucumber or cold spoons around your eyes and also avoid rubbing them to not let the skin around your eyes wrinkle too much.

- You can apply some paste made out of overnight soaked almonds and milk around your eyes. This will give you a refreshing feeling and also reduce dark circles.

- You can rest your eyes every 20 minutes by taking a break from the screen. Blink for 20 seconds and look faraway for 20 seconds.

- A face pack made out of curd and gooseberry will also help tighten the skin.

- You can consume pigmented fruits like eggplants, grapes, raisins, red cabbage, blackberries and figs to help your skin.
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