Vegetarian sources of protein you should add to your salad

Darielle Britto | Oct 30, 2019, 13:41 IST
A nutritious salad is one of the easiest meals to make on the planet, whether you are a talented chef or culinary challenged. All you have to do is toss a few food items in a bowl, layers on some delicious dressing and you've got yourself a substantial meal that will help fuel you for the rest of the day. The right ingredients in your salad will also help to give your immune system a boost, improve brain function, and so much more. Here are four essential vegetarian protein sources you should add to your salad.

* Fresh vegetables and fruits
Broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, and potatoes are rich sources of protein. Meanwhile, you can also obtain protein from fruits like guava, cherimoyas, mulberries, blackberries, nectarines and banana. These food items are also loaded with other essential nutrients like fibre, protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This can help your body feel stronger and it may even sharpen your brain.

* Nuts
Nuts like almonds, cashews and peanuts are great sources of protein that you can add to almost any type of salad. 30 grams of nuts will give you anywhere between five to seven grams of protein. Nuts also contain healthy fats, iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Add them to your salad especially if you are looking to lose weight.

* Soy
You can obtain a lot of protein from soy foods. In fact, some soy-based food items are richer sources of protein than some non-vegetarian protein items. Best of all there are plenty of options to choose from - soybean, tofu and soy nuts. Pick ingredients that compliment each other when making your delicious and nutritious salad.

* Pulses, lentils and beans
Lentils, pulses, and beans aren't just good ingredients for curries. They work extremely well in a salad. A cup of lentils (cooked) contains about 18 grams of protein, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Experts say it also contains very little if no saturated fats or sodium. Kidney beans and chickpeas can be great additions to your salad and will help you to feel fuller for longer.

* Dairy products
While dairy products are known to be major sources of calcium, they can also help you obtain a good amount of protein. An ounce of cottage cheese can give you about seven grams of protein. Do a bit of research and find dairy products that you would like to add to your salad.

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