Video call etiquette you should pay attention to!

Alisha Alam | Apr 22, 2020, 13:36 IST
Now, that the entire world is stuck in a lockdown situation due to the dreaded coronavirus pandemic, people have been getting on video calls more often than they ever did. Whether it's a formal office meeting, a casual chat with friends or even a lovely conversation with family, we've all turned to video calls to help us out during these trying times. But have you ever stopped to think that there are certain etiquette rules that you need to follow when on a video call? Well, if you didn't know, here's what they are.

- Dress up appropriately: While you may be in your pyjamas all day and you may feel comfortable that way, you can't possibly look dishevelled for something important like an office meeting call. You need to wear the appropriate gear for it. And the same goes for other video calls as well, even if it's with family and friends. Make sure that you at least look presentable to them.

- Lighting matters: Imagine how tiresome it must be for someone to wait for you on call only to finally get to see you sitting in a dark spot. So, make sure that you're sitting in a well-lit area so that you can maintain eye contact with the person you're talking to and they can see your gestures. It'll help you both feel like you're sitting face to face and that can help.

- Don't be a pessimist: One of the most important things to remember during this time is that people are already struggling enough without you having to constantly speak about the situation. Try to do something fun instead, like play a singing game or getting on a dinner date with everyone. We all need some positive vibes right now so don't be a buzzkill.

Follow these tips and you'll nail that video call etiquette in no time! Stay tuned for more updates.

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