01/8These tips will help you take care of your lips

Start by exfoliating: Exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin and impurities and keeps your lips soft and smooth. You can opt for a DIY lip scrub for this one. Mix one teaspoon of honey with two teaspoons of sugar and then apply this paste on to your lips. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. While sugar acts as a natural exfoliant, honey makes for a brilliant moisturiser.

by Alisha Alam

02/8Don't choose the wrong lip balm

Not all lip balms will help keep your lips from getting chapped. So, if you feel that the lip balm you're using isn't really working, trust us that feeling is right; you're not just imagining it. The lip balm you need to opt for should have both humectants and occlusives that will together create a barrier over your lips to keep moisture locked in.

by Alisha Alam

03/8Use dermatologist approved products

If certain lips balms you've tried and tested aren't really doing the trick for you, then you definitely need to start opting for dermatologist approved products. Try and opt for the PCA Skin Peptide Lip Therapy, Blistex Medicated Lip Balm, Burt’s Bees Lip Balm or Skinceuticals Antioxidant Lip Repair. These each have their own benefits and may help cater to your individual need.

by Alisha Alam

04/8Try DIY lip treatments

If you're not into trying products from outside, what you can do instead is opt for DIY lip treatments with ingredients from your kitchen. “You can easily make your own homemade lip balm out of coconut oil or flaxseed oil, which are both filled with essential fatty acids,” says a doctor. These work just as well and will give you the desired results.

by Alisha Alam

05/8Moisturise your lips

Our lips tend to lose moisture more easily as compared to the rest of our body as the skin on the lips is thin. So, make sure that you use a moisturising and hydrating product like Vaseline that will get rid of those chapped lips. Vaseline also penetrates deep into the skin so it speeds up the process of healing.

by Alisha Alam

06/8Keep a lip balm handy

Lip balms can come in super handy when you want to get rid of chapped lips quickly. Since they're compact, they can be carried everywhere which is why you should keep these on you wherever you go. When you're picking out a lip balm, make sure you opt for one with SPF as that will protect your lips from sun damage as well.

by Alisha Alam

07/8Don't lick your lips

This one is a big no-no girls. While licking your lips may provide instant relief, it does a lot of harm in the long run. Licking your lips can cause them to dry out real fast and this might just end up trapping you in a vicious cycle. So, if you've got this habit, we suggest you get rid of it.

by Alisha Alam

08/8Ditch matte lipsticks!

We know what you're thinking. Who can live without matte lipsticks right? But yes, unfortunately, most matte lipsticks make your lips dry. So, you need to be sure that you pick a lipstick with the right ingredients so that it can moisturise your lips as well. Look for something that contains Vitamin E or glycerine as these will help keep your lips hydrated.

by Alisha Alam