Want to befriend your ex? This is what you should avoid doing

Dhwani Vora | Apr 1, 2019, 12:18 IST
First and foremost, being friends with your ex is a very very risky move. Especially when you've both ended on a bad note and now you're only thinking of being friends with them to cross a name out of your haters list. Let us tell you, being friends with your ex is more complicated than you thought your relationship was with that person.

But every coin has two sides and relationships can end on good terms too. Which actually makes being friends with them a cakewalk. Although, even if you two are happy and gay with this decision, there still exists the potential risk of rekindling the long lot feelings. And this is why, we're here to tell you how you can avoid a few things here and there in order to be "just friends" with your ex and actually mean it.

- Do NOT talk about the past with your ex. You see the big no there? Yeah, we understand it's very tempting to talk about the good ol' days and the time you spent with them. But honestly, what are you even getting yourself into again? You broke up for a reason, right? You, out of all the people should know that if you two linger around the past talks, it's only going to make you two emotional and either one of you is going to try to get back together. You see, reading the same book again isn't going to give it a different ending.

- This brings us to the second most important thing to avoid. Don't expect to get back together. If you're playing the 'let's be friends' card just so that you can keep a check on them, or because you feel bad for them, or because you two have the same friend circle, or because you're feeling lonely, then you're doing it all wrong. Friendship should only be started for all the right reasons and not to misuse it with all these silly reasons. Of course you had a romantic time while you two were together. But you should understand that now you're far from that and it's called a past for a reason. Better leave rekindling the old love in the past and look ahead to a better friendly future.

- Interfering in their personal life is now a big NO. When you two were in a relationship, you two begged for some space from each other and now that you're far off from being in a relationship, all you have left to give to each other is the space. Don't intrude their privacy. Don't keep a check on who they're seeing next and don't advice them on what to do and what not to do. You choose to be friends with them to keep everything on a lighter and brighter note with them. Not to make them feel like they still owe you an explanation about any and everything that they do.

There are a lot more don'ts to follow, but we guess you got an idea with these. And so ladies and gentlemen, being friends with your ex will always be the riskiest move to make. Choose it wisely, otherwise it's going to be a life full of exes and ohs!
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