01/5All you need to know about minimising the appearance of pores

What are large pores: Pores are basically present at the opening of a hair follicle. Since the hairs are really small, they're often not visible, but the oil glands present at the bottom of the hair can cause the follicles to overgrow in size. You might use a number of products that claim to have properties that get rid of pores but trust us, those factors are determined by skin type and genetics. So, you might be able to reduce their appearance but you won't be able to get rid of them completely.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Wear SPF

Dr. Doris Day explains that “the sun dehydrates your skin and makes the oil glands over-grow.” so it’ll “make your pores look bigger.” This can also lead to the formation of whiteheads and blackheads. So make sure that you wear sunscreen with SPF 50 and a 5-star UVA rating during the summer months. During the winters you could opt for a sunscreen containing SPF 25 or SPF 30.

by Alisha Alam

03/5Double cleanse

The best way to minimise the appearance of pores is to cleanse, cleanse and cleanse. So what you do first is that you cleanse your skin with an oil cleanser. Then you cleanse your skin another time with a foam, cream or gel cleanser, whichever suits your skin the best. The more you get rid of oil and dirt from your skin, the better your skin will look.

by Alisha Alam

04/5Exfoliate with acids weekly

Exfoliating is also an important step in the process of reducing the appearance of pores. But don't opt for the ones with those microbeads since those may literally strip your skin away. On the contrary, opt for something like AHAs and BHAs (salicylic acid) which penetrate deep into your pores and get rid of oils and dirt.

by Alisha Alam

05/5Use a retinoid

Ladies, it's about time you get accustomed to retinol. Retinol essentially is a form of vitamin A. When applied on the skin it turns into retinoic acid, which boosts skin cell turnover and thickens the deeper layer of your skin. It decreases the production of oil, gets rid of wrinkles and aids in the reduction of the appearance of pores on your skin. It also helps reduce acne.

by Alisha Alam