Want to get rid of your cellulite? Opt for some castor oil

Alisha Alam | May 12, 2020, 15:06 IST
As much as we'd like to deny it, we all have some cellulite on our body. For some, it occurs on their thighs, for others, on their hips and for some even on their bum. The bottom line is that cellulite is often very common and is on areas on your body that can also be visible. And although we're huge fans of just being ourselves, sometimes we want to hide certain marks because it makes us feel better.

Now, if you've tried and tested everything but can't seem to get rid of this cellulite, all you need to do is opt for some castor oil. Packed with fatty acids and nutrients, castor oil can work wonders for your skin by nourishing it from deep within and ensuring that those marks fade enough to make them invisible. So, here's how you can use castor oil on your skin.

-Start by pouring some castor oil into a bowl and heating the oil until it's warm. Take the oil and start applying it to all the problem areas.

-Once you're done with the application, massage the oil on those areas for a few minutes. Make sure to do it in gentle circular motions to help the oil penetrate deeply into your skin.

-Leave the oil on for as long as you want and rinse it off when you take a shower. Opt for this at least 2-3 times a week for about a month and then you'll start to notice the changes in your skin.

Try this out and stay tuned for more updates.
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