Want to opt for non-dairy milk? Here's the healthiest one

Alisha Alam | Updated: Jan 30, 2020, 12:43 IST
A lot of people are lactose intolerant which means they can't consume dairy products. Some people just don't like dairy products. All these issues have given rise to products that aren't dairy but replace them. This is why we now have products like soy milk and almond milk. But if there's one question out there on everyone's mind, it has to be which out of all these different types of non-dairy milk is the best? There are so many to choose from - rice, almond, coconut, hemp, banana, oat, soy cashew and so on.

Now, if you're wondering how these kinds of milk are made, here's what you should know. They're often made by blending the main ingredient with water (almond and water) and then straining this mixture and making adjustments as needed. Certain flavours, sweeteners and thickeners could be added to enhance flavour, texture and to prevent separating.

So, what's the difference between all these types of milk, you ask? Well, one fundamental difference, of course, is how they taste. They also feature very different nutrient profiles. While soy milk is is highest in protein, coconut contains high amounts of fat and oat milk is high in carbs. Banana milk is sweeter than others and cashew contains creaminess.

So, which milk is the best then? The answer quite surprisingly is that it's the one that you like the best. There are clearly a plethora of factors to choose from when it comes to all these different types of milk and in the end, they're all healthy so it just comes down to choosing the one you like the most and are most likely to stick to. We would like to suggest that you try to opt for ones that contain less sugar and be more mindful of what different types have to offer.

So, give the ingredients in these different types of milk a good look and decide for yourself which one you'd prefer the most. Based on this you could even make other dietary choices to help compensate for other nutrients. Stay tuned for more updates.
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