Want to shed those extra kilos? Start including dates in your diet!

Alisha Alam | Updated: Jul 1, 2019, 11:40 IST
Dates are pretty much a miracle fruit. They do grow in a desert after all! But what's really miraculous about them is that they have so many health benefits to offer. Apart from being rather scrumptious, dates can even help you lose weight. Did you know that? Well, now you do. When you're on a diet, it's very important to maintain a regular routine. You have to eat foods that are nutritious, contain fewer calories and can help keep you feeling satiated. So, here are all the reasons why you should include dates in your diet.

- High in fibre: Fibres are an essential part of our diet which is why many nutritionists suggest that you should include them in your diet. Dates are rich in fibres that can help improve your digestion process. And since fibres don't get absorbed fast, they can also help you feel satiated for long which will ensure you don't eat too much.

- Contains proteins: Dates are also rather rich in proteins which are essential for our body. These proteins can help repair muscles and can also help you lose weight.

- Has high unsaturated fatty content: When we think about fats our mind automatically associates it with something bad. But not all fats are bad for the body. Dates contain high unsaturated fats which can reduce inflammation in your body.

- Can curb your cravings: One of the major issues faced by people on a diet is their cravings. What does one do when they want to eat something sweet and sugary? Opt for a date of course! It can help curb your cravings and keep you happy.

Try to eat around 4-5 dates per day and not more than that because everything should be consumed in moderation. You can get as creative as you like. Put them in your bowl of oatmeal or chop them up and toss them in your fruit salad. You could also just eat them with a glass of warm milk. Well, now that you know just how beneficial dates are, what are you waiting for? Start munching! Stay tuned for more updates.

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