Ways in which papaya can work wonders for your skin

Dhwani Vora | Sep 9, 2019, 14:55 IST
Papaya has a lot many health benefits and that's no news. It can help with constipation, menstruation as well as weight loss. This fruit is rich in fibre and also has the ability to absorb the toxin in the colon that can cause cancer. It then eliminates them from the body through bowel movements. It's a fruit that is rich in vitamin A and minerals such as iron, copper, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Apart from working wonders for heart, digestive system, vision and overall health, papaya is exceptionally good for our skin. It is because of the fibre content in it that it helps in achieving beautiful skin. Papaya helps in controlling the acne breakouts, wrinkle formation and also pigmentation. Here's in detail how papaya single handedly can give you the kind of skin you wish to achieve.

- Reduces dark circles: You can put the papaya pulp to use for working on the dark circles. Papaya is a natural bleaching agent that helps with skin discolouration as well as under eye bags.

- Moisturizes skin: If you have dry skin, papaya is going to be a blessing for you. It has enzymes that repairs the dry and flaky skin as well as hydrates and nourishes it. You can apply the fruit pulp on your face twice a week to achieve moisturized skin.

- Fights wrinkles: The papaya peel can help in reducing the signs of ageing where the enzymes in it removes dead cells from the surface of your skin which ultimately repairs wrinkles and age spots.

- Clears pigmentation: This fruit is the best bet if you suffer from pigmentation. Papaya has skin lightening properties that helps in clearing the blemishes and pigmentation. The enzymes present in this fruit lightens your skin tone and also makes it softer.

- Removes tan: Papaya works well for removing tan lines. If you're someone who gets too conscious about tan lines, you can use this fruit to full use. It contains vitamin A and C in big quantities. In combination with the enzyme, it helps in lightening your skin which eventually helps in reducing the tan lines.

- Controls acne breakouts: This fruit is very well known for safeguarding your skin from breakouts as the proteolytic enzyme papain is quite an effective treatment for acne. The seeds and leaves of the fruit also helps with acne.

- Helps with Melasma: This is a common skin condition that causes brown to grey-brown patches on your face. This condition can very much be treated with papaya as it has exfoliating properties. You can apply the ripe or unripe fruit on pigmented skin to smoothen it out.

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