01/5Want to sanitise your beauty products? Here's how you can do it!

Who doesn't have a ton of beauty products in today's day and age? From multiple beauty brands to customizable beauty products, there are a plethora of options we have to choose from which is also why so many of us invest in so many different beauty products. But what most people tend to neglect is that these products need to be sanitised and disinfected regularly. Unless you do this, it can lead to some serious infections and it might also spoil your beauty products. So, here are some tips that will aid you if you want to effectively disinfect your beauty products.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Pencils and crayons

When it comes to pencils like eye pencils or lip liners and crayons for your lips, the best way to disinfect them is to sharpen them before use so that a layer is shaved off. Also, ensure to disinfect your sharpener by rubbing some disinfectant on them after every use. Don't share your pencils and crayons with others and this can also prevent infection.

03/5Brushes and sponges

It goes without saying that these need to be washed at least twice or thrice a week if you use makeup on a regular basis. Use an antibacterial handwash to wash them with and then ensure that you store then only once they're completely dry so as to prevent the development of bacteria.

04/5Creams and gels

We've all been told to slather these on using our hands and fingers and while that part is doable, you must never dip your fingers into the cream or gel. Use either a brush or a spatula to take out the product and then apply it to your skin. Putting your hands in can risk spreading infection.

05/5Lipsticks and chapsticks

Okay, let's be honest. If you've got about ten lipsticks in your vanity, even if you use them on rotation it'll take at least a while for you to use them all. This leaves time for bacteria to get accumulated on your lipstick. So, make sure to spray some rubbing alcohol onto your lipstick and wipe the exposed part with some tissue before using it on your lips.