01/5Hate quarrelling with your partner? Here are some ways in which you can have a healthy argument

No matter how amazing your relationship is, you're bound to have at least a few arguments or quarrels with your partner every once in a while. There are going to be certain differences between the two of you and you won't always see eye-to-eye but that doesn't mean you don't love each other. Instead of letting things get out of control and hurting your partner unintentionally, it's best to just opt for ways to engage in healthy arguments with your partner. Here are some tips that will help you out.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Use logic instead of emotions

We know this sounds a little far-fetched but it will certainly help take things down a notch in your argument. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. Instead, try to use logic and reason to make your partner understand where you're coming from.

03/5Don't stray off the topic

When people feel like they're losing an argument, they tend to completely stray off the topic by pointing fingers at other things they think their partner has done wrong. Do NOT do this. Don't drag the past into your argument; it'll only make things a lot worse.

04/5Don't go to bed angry

Whatever your argument is about, make sure that you aren't going to bed angry. Even if you haven't resolved your argument, tell your partner that the two of you should take a break as long as you're in the bedroom because that place is supposed to be a haven for you to relax and sleep in.

05/5Don't argue with malice

You love this person and this person loves you which means there should be no place for malice in the relationship. So, do not argue with hatred in your heart and understand that your partner is also doing their best to not hurt your feelings.