Ways in which you can get rid of strawberry legs!

Alisha Alam | Mar 21, 2020, 12:00 IST
More often than not we notice that we've ended up with ingrown hair or dark spots on our legs. This dotted and uneven texture of the skin on your legs is known as having strawberry legs. And it doesn't look pleasant, does it? Usually, strawberry legs are caused due to shaving with a blunt razor without applying any sort of shaving cream or soap.

Due to this, your pores tend to get clogged with dirt, dead skin and grime and this can show up as enlarged pores. Ultimately, they can end up causing marks on your skin and can even make your legs more prone to shaving burns. Unless you suffer from some sort of skin disease, getting rid of strawberry legs is pretty easy. Here's how you can do it.

- Use epilators since these ensure to pull out your hair from the root thus leaving no room for clogged hair follicles or pores. And although this is painful, it is quite effective.

- Exfoliate your skin regularly as this ensures that no sort of dirt, grime or dead skin cells are accumulated on your skin. This can prevent ingrown hair.

- Always use a shaving cream or lotion when you decide to shave your legs as this will ensure you don't end up with enlarged pores or razor burns.

- Moisturise your skin regularly as it helps keep your skin hydrated and soft so that it becomes less susceptible to spots and blemishes.

- Go to a professional if nothing else seems to be working for you. There are certain treatments that can help get rid of strawberry legs and can give you smooth and supple skin.
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