01/5Want to make your work culture more positive? Try these tips

How many of us are actually glad to go to work every day? Most of us are stuck in 9 to 5 shifts and as much as we might like our jobs we don't really like putting in all those hours. Often this is not even due to the work pressure but it's more due to what the environment is like at the workplace. Your work environment needs to be such that you can work with ease and peace of mind rather than being stressed about everything. And as the saying goes, change begins from within. So, maybe it's time that you take some steps to achieve a positive work culture. Here are some ways in which you can do it.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Smile more often

If you do end up making eye contact with someone at work, the least you can do is smile at them. And no not everyone will return your smile but you know what, most of them will. In fact, you might just end up making someone's day better. And then sooner than you'll know it, the workplace will become more comforting to you.

by Alisha Alam

03/5Celebrate wins

No matter how small it is, try and celebrate all your wins. Completed a deadline, celebrate; won over a client, celebrate; got to work despite not want to go, celebrate. And share your love with everyone. This way everyone will feel more like a part of a community.

by Alisha Alam

04/5Move around a little

The one thing you need to remember is that just because you have a desk job doesn't mean you need to be at your desk all the damn time. Get up and move around a bit. Not only will this be good for your health but it will also work well in making you a familiar face around the office.

by Alisha Alam

05/5Show gratitude

It honestly won't kill you to say sorry, please and thank you as often as you can. It'll even make people want to do things for you. Plus, people will start remembering your face and will keep you in mind whenever something good comes up so that certainly is a bonus.

by Alisha Alam