Ways in which you can set up your day in order to sleep soundly and wake up fresh

Dhwani Vora | Feb 24, 2020, 09:51 IST
All of us think about sleep at least twice a day - one during bedtime in the night when we're tired after the entire day and one in the morning when we're still feeling tired and under slept. Although, lack of sleep can affect our whole body as it can miss out on the immune and emotional regulation, tissue restoration and repair as well, says Jessica Payne, sleep-research psychologist, Ph.D., an associate professor at the University of Notre Dame.

Stress is one major reason that can keep you up which can very much linger till the nest day which creates a sleep-stress snowball. Payne says, "Stress increases levels of neurotransmitters and hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine, keeping you in a hypervigilant state, always watchful for tigers (or office enemies). “The more you’re stressed, the poorer your sleep is and the worse your stress is.”

- You need to quit hitting the snooze button: One greatest sleep mistake you make after a bad night's sleep is giving yourself some pity pass to sleep in or even take a sick day. If you have to wake up too early each morning, don't try to force yourself to sleep again, instead, get up and get going. This will reduce the chances of developing a chronic case of insomnia.

- Even if you aren't super hungry, eat breakfast: Banking on calories fro dinner can lead to overeating in the evening time. In the night time, it's difficult to digest your dinner, drinks and dessert which can also keep you up for the night. Hence, your mornings should include foods like milk, eggs, yogurt or meat. Protein rich food can facilitate your body with the production of dopamine which is a wakefulness neurotransmitter.
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