01/10Here's how you can tell whether you have healthy skin

Your skin is hydrated: One of the surest tell-tale signs of having healthy skin is that it will be hydrated and soft at all times. If your skin is shedding dead skin cells and is dry and flaky then you know what you need to do! Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. It'll keep your skin moisturised and soft.

by Alisha Alam

02/10There are no sunspots on your skin

If your skin has sunspots and signs of pigmentation, then it happens to be a clear indication that you've spent too much time in the sun without the use of appropriate protection. So, whenever you step out of the house, make sure that you use the right amount of sunscreen and carry a pair of shades and a hat with you.

by Alisha Alam

03/10There are no premature wrinkles

One thing that can prove that you have healthy skin is that you don't have any signs of premature ageing. Wrinkles are a by-product of age and usually show up once a person starts to age and their skin begins to sag. However, if your skin is showing these signs while you're in your 20s then you need to improve your skincare routine and eat the right diet.

by Alisha Alam

04/10Your skin glows

If your skin glows even without the use of makeup then you most definitely have healthy skin. So, make sure that you remove some time to cleanse your skin and tone it every night. Also, ensure that you eat the right kinds of food that contain antioxidants and vitamins so that your skin can get healthy from within.

by Alisha Alam

05/10Your skin has an even complexion

If your skin has an even complexion throughout, despite its shade and colour, then trust us, girls, you have good skin. And on the contrary, if you see any sort of pigmentation, blotchy complexion and dark circles, then those are signs that your skin needs more nutrients and love from your end. So, invest in the right products and consume the right diet.

by Alisha Alam

06/10Soft and smooth skin

Do you have even textured skin all over? Well, good for you. If you see any sort of blackheads, whiteheads, bumps or blemishes on your skin, it means you need to enrich it with some much-needed vitamins. Try including vitamins A and C in your diet and try scrubbing your skin twice in a week to get rid of any bumps and dirt.

by Alisha Alam

07/10Normal feeling skin

Your skin should feel like it isn't there at all. If there's any kind of itching or redness or if your skin feels taut, that means there's something wrong with it. If your skin feels too tight and stretchy, that probably means that the cleansing product you're using is too harsh for your skin. And if your skin is too oily then you need to opt for products that will help get rid of the excess oil.

by Alisha Alam

08/10Skin is acne-free

Yet another sign that your skin is doing just fine is that you have no acne. Acne is usually caused due to excess sebum production when your pores get clogged. Dirt and impurities in your skin can also cause breakouts. So, opt for a good skincare regime and make sure not to touch your skin because grime can get transferred to your skin from your fingers too.

by Alisha Alam

09/10The pores on your skin are small

Technically your pores can't really increase or decrease in size. However, if their appearance is reduced, it means that your skin is healthy. Try to use a mild cleanser on your skin regularly to take off the grime and sebum from your skin. Also, use a toner to help keep your skin healthy.

by Alisha Alam

10/10There's no redness on your skin

As we mentioned earlier, if there's no pigmentation or redness on your skin, then you have good, healthy skin. There are a number of ways in which your skin can get irritated and inflamed. Use the right products to get rid of all that redness and inflammation and you should be good.

by Alisha Alam