01/8Here's why you need semolina flour to your diet

Semolina flour is made from a type of wheat called durum. People around the world consume it as bread, porridge and pasta. The semolina flour has an earthy aroma and is used in a variety of dishes. It also has a wealth of health benefits because it is rich in protein and fibre, which helps keep you stay full for longer and helps your digestive system. There are plenty of ways you can cook. So you can find a method that will suit your needs to get the most out of this humble ingredient. Here are a few ways semolina flour can improve your health.

by Darielle Britto

02/8Rich in antioxidants

Incorporating foods in your diet that are rich in antioxidants has immense health benefits on our health. It can help improve heart health and protect from infections. It could even lower the risk of cancer. Nuts, vegetables, seeds and fruits are primary sources of antioxidants. However, if you are looking to change things up a bit, try semolina flour as it is also rich in antioxidants. Consuming it regularly will help strengthen your immune system and prevent oxidation of cell membranes and DNA, which could be damaging.

by Darielle Britto

03/8Boosts energy

Semolina flour contains a range of essential nutrients we need for our bodies to produce energy. Some of the vital nutrients it is made up of are carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. This flour is especially beneficial for people who need a lot of energy throughout their day. It improves muscle function and contains phosphorus and magnesium, which helps to boost our energy and improve bone health. This flour that is low in fat also helps to give our immune system a boost.

by Darielle Britto

04/8May help treat diabetes

Many people around the world suffer from diabetes, which occurs when blood glucose levels are very high. If you suffer from type 1 diabetes, the process of glucose gets into your cells, to give them energy, with the help of insulin becomes difficult. However, semolina flow can help improve the condition for diabetics as it has a low GI. You can digest it more easily and it absorbs into the stomach at a slower pace. This helps diabetes patients to manage their blood glucose levels.

by Darielle Britto

05/8Improve blood sugar levels

Semolina is packed with magnesium and fibre, which can help you manage blood sugar levels. Magnesium increases your cells’ response to insulin, the hormone that helps to manage your blood sugar levels. It is important to make sure you manage this well in order to reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

by Darielle Britto

06/8Rich source of iron

Iron helps our bodies to function in a variety of ways from transporting oxygen through blood to helping us grow and develop properly. Therefore it is an essential mineral we need to stay in shape. Semolina is a rich source of iron. So if you need to improve your health or just want to maintain it, make sure to incorporate this flour into your diet.

by Darielle Britto

07/8Improves heart health

Semolina flour contains a lot of fibre, which not only improves heart health but also reduces your risk of developing heart disease. Researchers have found a diet rich in fibre can reduce your risk of heart disease by 24 per cent. It is also rich with folate and magnesium - nutrients that are required to keep your heart healthy. You can pair semolina flour with a variety of dishes to keep things fresh and new in your meal plan for the week.

by Darielle Britto

08/8Aids weight loss

Semolina flour contains loads of nutrients that can help you lose weight. A study found that it helps you feel full longer and could prevent weight gain. It also contains loads of protein, which helps you to lose weight faster. Make sure you incorporate this into your diet regularly, especially if you are in the process of trying to lose the weight.

by Darielle Britto