Ways to lower blood pressure without medication

Darielle Britto | Oct 22, 2019, 13:52 IST
Managing your blood pressure levels is extremely important to your health. High blood pressure levels can increase your risk of heart disease. While medication is available, there are a few ways you can reduce these levels naturally. Here are a few lifestyle changes you can make today to lower blood pressure with medication.

* Shed those extra kilos
Your blood pressure levels can increase as you gain weight. When you gain weight, it could cause sleep apnea and raise blood pressure levels.Regular exercise is an effective way to reduce these levels. Losing even a little weight can make a huge difference in a good way.

* Exercise
Aim to exercise30 minutes daily or at least 150 minutes a week. Your blood pressure levels can be reduced by at least5 to 8 mm Hg if you suffer from high blood pressure. However, it is important to exercise regularly if you want to avoid extremely high blood pressure. Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and dancing are some activities you can try. Find what works for you so that you stick to a routine.

*Consume a healthy diet
If high blood pressure is a cause for concern, it's time to make some drastic changes to your diet. Make sure to fill up on whole grains, fruits, vegetables and avoid foods that contain saturated fats. It is also important to reduce the amount of sodium you consume as it can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. You should also try and consume foods that are high in potassium as it can reduce the impact sodium has on blood pressure.

*Quit smoking
Smoking too much can raise your risk of high blood pressure. Your chances of blood pressure returning to normal are better if you quit the habit.

* Cut down on caffeine
This is a hard one, but cutting down on caffeine can help reduce blood pressure levels.Consult with a doctor to find out how caffeine can have an impact on your blood pressure levels.

* Find ways to manage your stress
If you stress out a lot, it's time to find ways to chill. Chronic stress can cause you to turn to unhealthy habits and have an impact on your blood pressure levels. Try different ways to manage stress. If it gets too much to deal with, seek professional help to better cope with it.

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