01/5These hacks will help you get an adequate amount of sleep at home

Quarantine or not, many people struggle with sleep. The complete lockdown of the nation now seems to have added to the existing problems. Even the evening seems like midnight! While before quarantine people would try everything to get their daily dose of sleep, now it seems like everyone’s spending most of their time on the bed only. Excessive of anything is never good and so is with sleep. If you are on the same page then it’s time to start practicing these hacks to regulate your sleeping pattern.

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by Sneha Biswas

02/5Stay away from the bed

Spending time in our house can make us lazy. What do we lazy people do? We eat on bed, we sleep on bed, we work from bed. You need to stop this. Make your bed the only place where you want to rest. Psychologically it will regulate your body’s resting hours.

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03/5Fix a time

Depending on your everyday schedule, fix your bed timing. Initially, you might not fall asleep immediately once you hit the sack, but hang on. You will be improving.

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04/5Exercise at home

It is important to get the blood circulation going for a night of better sleep. Exercising in the daytime helps to treat insomnia and hypersomnia. One must not engage in any physical activity just before sleeping.

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05/5Listen to ASMR

ASMR or autonomous sensory meridian response helps to calm the mind to put you into sleep. Put some nice AMSR audio in your playlist and find out what sound triggers you to relax.

Photo credit: Google