Ways to treat common digestive issues many women experience

Darielle Britto | Jul 11, 2019, 14:25 IST
Digestive issues are more common for women than men, several studies have reported. While it may seem unladylike to discuss, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation and acid reflux are common issues many women face.

These gut complaints are common and normal. More importantly, they can be treated easily. Here a few ways to treat some of the common digestive issues many women experience.

1. Acid reflux: This problem occurs when the acid in your tummy moves into your esophagus. It tends to happen after eating a heavy meal or spicy food. Indigestion and heartburn are some of the common symptoms of the condition. You could also experience a bitter taste in your mouth.

Treatment: Avoid foods that are acidic and overeating. Over-the-counter medication can also offer relief from heartburn. You should also stop eating at least three hours before you go to sleep. While it is normal to experience acid reflux, you could also be experiencing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),if it becomes a more frequent ordeal. If it is GERD, consult with a health professional to be able to manage it in the right way.

2. Constipation: Normal bowel movement patterns get disrupted when you are constipated. Even though it is not a disease, it can feel uncomfortable.

Treatment: The most effective ways to tackle this issue is to drink lots of water, sleep well and consume fibre-rich foods. Exercise also helps tackle constipation. To avoid this issue, you should also make sure you increase good bacteria strain bifidobacteria in your gut.

3. Bloating: Buildup of gas, indigestion and even period days can be the cause of bloating. However, it can also be a sign of IBS,bacterial overgrowth or food allergy. Your tummy can look full and even swollen when you experience this common issue.

Treatment: Herbal teas like peppermint and ginger have been found to be effective against bloating. Certain yoga poses can also improve circulation around your intestines and offer relief. Consult with a doctor if this issue is painful and frequent.
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