We bring to you some tricks to take care of your skin while travelling

Snehha Suresh | Updated: Apr 27, 2018, 12:53 IST
Taking the right and good care of your skin is very essential, it should be your number priority. As much as we love taking care of our skin with various products such as a moisturizer, a toner, and a sunscreen, we love to travel. Taking good care of skin at home is easy as everything is at a hands reach and you know how the climate will react to your skin. We love travelling but it makes us compromise on our skin care at times. At some places, we don’t know how our skin will act and thus most of the times we end up not knowing what products to carry and use, to keep our skin well while travelling. Protect that lip with a lip balm always as weather conditions may turn them into chapped lips.

So here’s how you should take care of your skin while you enjoy on that beach or in those hilly mountains. Moisturizer is an important part of everyone’s skin regime. Moisturizer becomes much more important while travelling as your skin might end up drying in the flight. So make sure you apply enough moisturizer the night before and before leaving for you flight. Make sure you also apply a bit of it before you reach your destination.

Makeup: Say a no-no to makeup while travelling as it may clog your pores and may affect your skin adversely. The makeup products may also might not be suitable for the climate so let moisturizer be it and you may carry you makeup kit and apply it once you are there.

Pack carefully: The most important thing is don’t pack unnecessary things; pack you regular moisturizer, toner, serum and sunscreen. Don’t experiment with your product’s while travelling and keep the harsh products and the digital treatments at home.

Take care of those eyes: If you tend to read a novel or watch movies when you travel your eyes might get puffed. To avoid this you can help them soothe by applying crushed ice with the help of a towel. You can also use eye-drops to help calm itchy and dry eyes.

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