01/5Believe it or not – the lunar cycle does have an effect on you

Believe it or not, the moon cycle actually has a direct impact on our behavior and moo. In fact, many people having been linking the moon to the change in our moods since the beginning of time. Some past studies have also found links between the lunar cycle and the number of psychiatric emergencies. When it's full, it can bring all of your emotions to the surface. When it's a new moon, it's time to be calmer and reflective.energies of the moon also rubs off on our emotions. Here are some weird ways the moon can affect your mood, according experts.

by Deesha Bondre

02/5A Full Moon Can Make You More Prone To Violent Behavior

Many reports say that police and others who track violent crime believe that they note a higher rate of crime during full moons than the rest of the month. According to report published by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, police records in Florida snapped over a five year period. However, more research needs to be done in this regard.

by Deesha Bondre

03/5A Full Moon Can Cause Lack Of Sleep, Which Can Affect Your Mood

"The moon may or may not make some of us crazy and behave erratically in an inexplicable way, but it can affect of sleep," Serena Poon, reiki master and practioner. "And for some of us, the lack of adequate, restful sleep can definitely affect our mood and behavior." However, the reason behind this correlation is still unknown and remains a mystery. Many say that our internal biological rhythms have a link to the moon’s cycle.

by Deesha Bondre

04/5A New Moon Can Make You Feel More Introspective

"During the new moon, the moon isn’t visible in the sky. There's no light, which means the energy available to us is low," astrologer Kristen Fletcher. "People often report feeling tired during a new moon and naturally crave turning inward." During this time, people become more self-reflective. If you want to make a new beginning in life, a new mood is a great time to do so.

by Deesha Bondre

05/5The First Half Of The Lunar Cycle Can Make You Feel More Motivated

If you find it difficult to stay motivated, take notes. The first half of a moon cycle, or the new moon is all set only to set new goals and stay motivated. "During this growth, or waxing phase, people will intuitively start new projects, take action, and refine," Fletcher says. "The moment the moon begins increasing in size, we can feel a sense of renewal and possibility."

by Deesha Bondre