01/6Research says that your social media profile pictures reveal a lot about your personality

You can bet that the guy holding the surfboard is out-doorsy and chill but the one with the metal T-shirt isn't, and the girl making the pouty look is pretty concerned with her appearance But beyond this sort of obvious amateur detective work, what else can you learn about a person from just a glimpse of their social media pictures. And by that today, we specifically mean profile pictures. Well, we've broken it down for you today. Scroll on and let us know how right you think we are!

by Jehana Antia

02/6The straight shot

If your profile picture is a direct and a clear shot then you are probably extremely bold and are someone who likes who they are, simply put. It also explains that you are simple in your ways and are confident in your own skin (which is how it should be)!

by Jehana Antia

03/6The one with the gang

If your profile picture is yourself with your gang, then it probably means that you identify yourself through social interaction. It also proves that you are a people’s person and that you have no issues making and keeping friends.

by Jehana Antia

04/6The extreme close-up

A tight shot may mean that you don’t let people get too close, too easily. It could also mean that you’d prefer if others focused on your best bits. You will tend to enhance the parts of yourself you love the best and want the world to see just that.

by Jehana Antia

05/6The practised pose

If you are someone who likes your DP to be of yourself posing then you are someone who feels the need to be perceived as perfect, so you only display your ‘best’ side. It also speaks volumes about the fact that you like to be well-dressed at all times. You are also someone who doesn't shy away from the camera.

by Jehana Antia

06/6The funny face

A goofy pic reveals that you do not take yourself too seriously and are likely to be someone who doesn’t mind going along with things that make others happy either.
Send us your DP and let us see if we are able to identify your personality too!

by Jehana Antia