Will liquid diet help to lose weight faster?

Snehha Suresh | Jul 4, 2018, 11:32 IST
Most dietitians might have often advised to have superfoods like salads and soups. But these liquid diets with help to lose weight faster like green tea, cranberry juice, honey, and more. This does not necessarily mean that you should live on only some liquids, but rather include certain drinks in your daily diet to bring down your weight.

Delhi-based diabetes educator Sujata Sharma said, “Ginger contains gingerol which is known to prevent stomach problems and aid digestion. “Lemons are not only rich in Vitamin C but also antioxidants which fight the production of free radicals in the body. When combined with an effective exercise regimen, this can work wonders.”

Shivani Jotwani, a Delhi-based nutritionist said, “This is made by mixing a spoonful of honey and half a tablespoon of cinnamon in a glass of warm water. A dash of fresh lime can help in the fat burning process. Cinnamon is known to curb cravings while honey aids metabolism.”

The nutritionist added, “Without a doubt, water is the best drink to help you lose extra weight. Keeping yourself adequately hydrated can help flush out all toxins from the body and aid in digestion, fat burning, and overall metabolism.”

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