01/5Food items for women who hit 40

As you start ageing, the metabolism slows down and you in fact begin to lose muscle mass and your hormone levels go for a toss. This in turn makes you more prone to mood changes, weight gain and other health issues that you might not have to deal with while you're in your younger years. Hence, there is a list of things that you can do to increase your fat-burning capabilities, minimize your disease risk and stabilize your energy. One major way to do that is by changing what goes in your system. and for ladies who are in their 40s, these foods should be a must.

by Dhwani Vora

02/5Dark chocolate

You might not think of chocolates to be a good thing for better nutrition after 40 years of age, but they can actually work magically for your health post dinner. Dark chocolates are rich in flavonols that has the ability to protect your heat, lowers blood circulation and risk of diabetes.

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Nuts have the ability to make you feel full for longer hours thus promoting weight loss as they are high in fibre, protein and healthy fats. The nutrients present in nuts helps in reducing your risk of chronic conditions like heart diseases and diabetes.

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Avocados are filled with healthy fats and they can help you keep your hair nourished and skin plump. This fruit also helps with high blood pressure as it contains potassium. Even though avocados are high in fat and they are linked with weight loss as they are so satisfying.

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Flaxseeds are a really good source of omega-3 fatty acids that are essential fats for a rather sharp mind and heart health. Also, they work wonders for your gut. And as women age, it becomes important for them to eat the right foods to keep their gut health in check.

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