01/6Here are some date ideas for you to try out this monsoon season

The much-awaited rains are finally here and while we all want to enjoy the 'mausam ki baarish' it's no secret that stepping out during the monsoon season can prove to be quite the hassle. You never know when it'll start pouring and no matter how many precautions you take, you'll end up getting wet and dirty. Now, what's worse is that you have to think ten times before planning a date with bae because you never know when the rain might put an abrupt stop to it. So, if you want to go on a date and don't know what to do, here are some ideas that will help you stay clean and happy.

by Alisha Alam

02/6Take a class together

One more really fun idea to try out would be to take a class together. Depending on what you two like you could opt for anything from cooking to art to pottery. You'll spend time with each other, have tons of fun and even be able to enjoy the weather.

by Alisha Alam

03/6Play board games at home

Who says you need to step out to have a date with bae? Just call him over to your place or go over to his and opt for some board games to play with. Not only will it be super fun but you'll also end up making some really fond memories.

by Alisha Alam

04/6Go bowling

One really fun idea for a date is to go bowling. It'll remind you of your college days and you'll actually enjoy quite a lot. Plus, if you go to an arcade there will be tons of other things to do. You could play pool, or go go-karting or opt for some other fun games.

by Alisha Alam

05/6Cook something at home

If you still insist on staying home, then you could opt for some fun dishes to try. Cook a meal together from scratch. You can test your partner's cooking skills while having tons of fun. Now, that's what we call a perfect date.

by Alisha Alam

06/6Try a new cuisine

Take a cab to that new restaurant that has just opened up. After spending some time at home when you're hungry you can just head over to this new place to get a bite. You'll have your date and you won't get wet either.

by Alisha Alam