01/8Pay attention to your workout skincare and you're all set to hit the gym

Working our is a great way to not only feel physically fit but also mentally. And while sweating it out makes us feel lighter, there might be a few things you should take care of before, while and after a workout. Yes, working out isn't anyway an easy job to do. But there are important steps that you need to take for your skin and your hair. We often tend to pay the least attention to our hair and skin while we're hitting the gym on a regular basis. But if they're not taken care of, chances are that you might develop allergies or infections since there's a lot of sweating out included in the process. This brings us here to discuss what all you could do before you hit the gym, while you're working out and once you finish your routine.

by Dhwani Vora

02/8Wipe off the sweat

Get rid of the dripping sweat from your face as soon as you can to avoid bacteria from settling in your pores. Don’t wipe or rub your face against your clothes as it can lead to rashes and itchiness. Instead, use a soft towel and pat on the skin to get the sweat off.


Don’t wait on cleansing your face after a workout. Instead we’d suggest do it right after. Splash cold water and wash your face with face cleanser to get rid of sweat, dirt and oil.

04/8Apply SPF

If you workout in the day time, an SPF is a given, even if you are working out indoors. Remember, UV rays can travel through windows to damage your skin – and you don’t want it to attack your skin when it is vulnerable and sweating.

05/8Go bare face for a workout

Working our will make you sweat a lot, which means there's absolutely no point of having your makeup on. Also, if you workout with a bare face, you give your skin a chance to breathe and also let your pores open up and sweat it out in a better way. If at all there's a dire need to use something on your face, you can opt for a light, mineral-based makeup. But we'd still suggest to pick no-makeup look for your workout sessions.

by Dhwani Vora

06/8Don't touch your face while working out

You know you're going to be all sweaty and messy while you exercise. And it is a bad idea to touch your skin even once while you're at it. Since bacteria breeds on sweaty equipment, you tend to transfer germs directly to the skin which leads to skin infections and breakouts. Hence, keeping an anti-bacterial soap or a sanitiser handy will only make more sense to use once you finish with one machine. You could also use a quick wipe down of the handles before you begin using the machine.

by Dhwani Vora

07/8Take a shower post workout

It is very important to wash off all the dirt and sweat off of your body after you workout. It is always a good idea to keep clean and feel fresh. If you workout before beginning the day, you should be feeling fresh and active through the day, hence shower. If you workout in the night, shower makes you feel clean and also makes you sleep better. Because if you sleep without a shower after a workout, chances are that your skin pores might get clogged with all the sweat and dirt. Not a good idea, right?

by Dhwani Vora

08/8Use dry shampoo if you don't want to shampoo everyday

Working out gets a little more messy everyday when you have an intense workout, especially in the summers. You feel like shampooing your hair every single day since you wouldn't want them to look all dirty and oily. But then again, shampooing your hair every other day doesn't sound like a good idea for the hair quality. In such times, you can use dry shampoo. It takes away the dirt and oily feels only to make them look fresh. This is where you can skip a hair wash for a couple of more days. Also, accessive use of anything is bad. So make sure you use the products wisely.

by Dhwani Vora