01/14These yoga asanas will make your hair luscious!

It seems like women have a ton of beauty concerns. But after skin and weight, hair is the next big concern. And let's be honest, more often than not we end up neglecting our hair and not giving it all the love and care it deserves. So, while there may be a ton of products out there that promise to give you luscious locks, your hair also requires the right nutrition for the right shine. One of the best ways you can do this is to opt for yoga asanas. These asanas can boost circulation to your scalp and can promote hair growth, so if you're looking to nourish your hair, these are the yoga asanas to try. Take a look.

by Deesha Bondre


Pavanamuktasana, also known as wind relieving pose, is beneficial for the stomach, but it may also help tackle hair issues. If you suffer from hair fall, practise this pose daily. Lie down, inhale and move one of your legs towards your chest and hold the pose. Do the same with the other leg.

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03/14Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as the downward dog facing pose, helps to boost blood circulation and provide the scalp with oxygen to promote hair growth. Practically anyone can do this pose to achieve the benefits, even if you are a beginner. Practise this pose daily for a few minutes.

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Sirsasana, also known as the headstand pose, can be a challenge to get into, but the benefits are immense. One of the benefits that this pose can offer is it may help you achieve beautiful and healthy tresses. If you are beginner, make sure you use the wall for support when getting into this pose.

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This is probably the easiest yoga asana you can opt for. All you need to do for this is to curl your palm inwards, touch your nails together and then rub them against each other firmly. Do this for at least 2-3 minutes every day and you'll see the difference in no time.


For this pose, you need to lie down straight on your back and place your arms alongside your body, to begin with. Then keeping your legs straight, slowly bring your hands under your back and place your palms facing downwards under your back. Slowly lift your torso using your elbows and stay in this position for about 30 seconds.


For this one, you'll have to sit in a crossed leg position. Keep your head, neck and back straight and rest your hands on your knees. Relax your body and take a deep breath in and out. Since your abdominal muscles contract during this asana, it helps promote blood circulation and that can improve your hair quality.


Lie down on your back and then slowly lift the rest of your body up so that you end up in an L-position. Your body should be balanced on your neck and shoulders while your hands should support your spine. Doing this exercise promotes blood circulation in your head area which can aid hair growth.


For this yoga pose, you'll have to get down on all fours and then try to touch your knees with your head. Stretch your hands and try to touch your feet. Be careful while flexing in this position. This asana can also work wonders for hair growth.


Get down on your knees and keeping your body straight, bend backwards and try to touch your feet with your hands. Not only does this asana promote hair growth but it can also prevent hair loss.