You can get whiter and brighter teeth at home by using these techniques

Dhwani Vora | Apr 13, 2020, 12:20 IST
Over time, your teeth will lose it's brightness and instead you will face some discolouration which is normal. This happens especially in the older years as the enamel of the teeth wears away after a period of time. Discolouration and yelling of teeth in young to middle-aged people is uncommon and so you must pay attention to it.

There are a few alternative methods that you can use to whiten your teeth. Of course you can always visit a dentist and get tooth-whitening treatments done or simply use teeth whitening strips. But since there are a few other natural ways to get pearly white teeth at the comfort of your home, we might just as well mention about them too.

- Oil pulling: This is a relatively simpler process where all you need to do is swish around 2 spoons of coconut oil in your mouth for 10 minutes every single day. Once you've had it, you can rinse your mouth thoroughly. The coconut oil will help in getting rid of the plaque that often forms on your teeth that makes it yellow.

- Apple cider vinegar: You can use a small quantity of cider to whiten your teeth. For this, you need to mix 2 spoons of apple cider with 3 cups of water and then use this mixture to swish in your mouth for 30 seconds each day. You can then brush your teeth normally and notice the visible change in the colour of your teeth in just 3 weeks.

- Citrus peels: The citrus acid that is found in citrus fruits like oranges and lemons is quite known to help whiten the teeth. You only need to rub the peel of these fruits on your teeth for 2 minutes. Brush your teeth normally after you do this and you will be able to see a visible change in 4 weeks.

- Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda: You can make use of both these ingredients available in medical and general stores. You need to mix one spoon of baking soda with 2 spoons of hydrogen peroxide to form a nice paste out of it. You can then brush your teeth with this paste and see the difference in 4-6 weeks if you practice this daily.

- Activated charcoal: This one is quite known to remove stubborn stains from your teeth. You need to open the contents of an activated charcoal capsule and put it on your brush. Then brush your teeth with it for 2 minutes and with normal paste after. This will give you whiter teeth in some days.
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