You can put spoiled milk to use in all these ways

Dhwani Vora | Aug 26, 2019, 17:05 IST
There are a lot of benefits of raw milk and boiled milk. But very less people know that even spoiled milk can be made use of. You read that right. There will be times when the milk can turn slimy and the texture can thicken. How fast the milk can spoils depends on the bacteria inside, the storage, the exposure to light as well as the temperature. Although, you shouldn't be drinking spoiled milk as it can have bad consequences on your health. It messes with your digestion and leads to nausea, vomiting and even diarrhea. But there are other good things where you can make use of the milk that's turned bad.

- It can emulsify soups: You can add a small amount of sour milk to provide thickness and richness to many kinds of soups, stews and casseroles.

- It can be used for baking: In case you don't have regular milk, you can also make use of sour milk since other ingredient in the baked goods will overpower the taste of spoiled milk. This milk can also be replaced for sour cream, yogurt and buttermilk. Sour milk can be added t scones, biscuits, cornbread as well as pastries.

- It can marinate meat:The lactic acid in milk always helps the meat to feel tender. Before cooking, soak the fish or meat in sour milk for marination.

- It can help in making cheese: Half a gallon of sour milk can be turned into cottage or farmer's cheese. Did you know that?

- It can give calcium to plants: Tomato plants, potted plants as well as garden plants need calcium and diluted sour milk with water can be used to do just that.

- It can be used as a salad dressing: Sour milk can replacement for sour cream which means it can very well be used as rich salad dressings like blue cheese.

- It can make a good pet food additive: Sour mil might taste too bad but pets will not cringe as much as we do. This is why, you can mix a little milk in their food since it will add calcium as well as protein in your pet's diet.

Pet food additive: As bad as sour milk might taste, pets will not cringe as much as we do. Hence, mixing a little milk in their food will add calcium as well as protein in their diet.
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