You must absolutely avoid putting on makeup in these situations

Dhwani Vora | Feb 3, 2020, 15:26 IST
No one should every tell anyone as to how much or when and when to up makeup. Although, there are a few situations when you just shouldn't put on your makeup as it can worsen the condition and damage your skin
Most of the women love wearing makeup and some of them even love experimenting with new products every now and then. For the rest of them, it's just a shallow thing. Although for all the women who think it's an art and a way to enhance their features, it isn't ever wrong to wear makeup. No one should every tell anyone as to how much or when and when to up makeup. Although, there are a few situations when you just shouldn't put on your makeup as it can worsen the condition and damage your skin.

Here are a few situations where you shouldn't put any makeup on:

- Whenever you have any breakouts or acne issues, it's best to leave them alone and not cover them with any sort of makeup. Women try to conceal their acne or pimples and it can make things worse for your skin and in turn elevate the problem. It can also lead to more breakouts or spread the breakout as you use the same makeup tool for most of the makeup on your face. You also end up touching the acne or pimple while covering it with makeup which can inflame the pimple or acne.

- You must avoid putting any makeup on right after you finish swimming or once you're out of a hot shower. The thing is, that the chlorine in the pool can harm your skin and it's very essential to cleanse your skin well before you apply any sort of makeup. Also, a hot shower can open up our pores and so cleansing our face with cold water and toner is very necessary before applying the makeup as it can can close up the pores.

- You don't have to wear makeup when you're on a cleaning spree. Whenever you clean your home your face skin has to deal with all the dust, dirt and germs. Adding some makeup will only add an extra later on your skin that leads to produce more buildup and ends up irritating your skin and clogging your pores which can cause skin issues.
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