01/7These foods will help you repair mineral deficiency

There are many people who suffer from vitamin deficiency. However, there could be a chance that you lack a few minerals too. A simple blood test is all that it takes to know which macro and micro minerals you are missing out on. There are many signs and symptoms that act as first signals of mineral deficiency too. This list will help you know more of specifically what you must eat and avoid once you figure that you have mineral deficiency and particularly which one.

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by Dhwani Vora


Lower potassium levels are rare too and it can happen due to loss of fluid through urine, diarrhea or vomiting. This calls for consumption of foods like carrots, beans, squash, leafy vegetables, bananas, melons, potatoes, dates, mushrooms, etc.

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Iron is another mineral which has multiple uses in our body. Lack of iron can cause numerous diseases, such as anemia. Dark green leafy vegetables, meat, beans and beet root are iron-rich.

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04/7Sodium chloride

Deficiency in salt doesn't really come from low intake of any one food in particular. But, it actually is due to increased fluid retention. This is when you should watch your fluid intake in order to maintain your sodium intake and water levels and try to balance it out.

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Deficiency of calcium can cause serious damage to bone health. You can up your calcium intake by consuming more dairy products.
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You are at a higher risk for tooth decay and other such oral health issues if you suffer from fluoride deficiency. You need to get more of this mineral for which you will have to drink lots of water and tea and also make sure that you brush your teeth twice a day.

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It's quite unusual to have a deficiency of manganese. The symptoms of it could be low fertility, impaired glucose tolerance and poor bone growth. If you have any of these signs showing, you need to include more of berries, lettuce, oats, green leafy vegetables, pineapple, soybeans or brown rice in your diet.

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